Thursday, February 24, 2011

He is there.

Some days I feel like supermom, and some days I feel like superfailure.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to this. I am a human being. I have faults and imperfections. I can't expect myself to always be perfect.

But, I can expect my faithful Father in heaven to be my strength and source of guidance. Always.

That's why I love the bible so much. I open the book (or open the bible app- before my daughter spilled juice on my iphone and ruined the screen) and let the words of truth penetrate my soul. You see, this world is full of shifting opinions and changing trends. What's popular advice today will be yesterday's news tomorrow. You can't trust popular opinion. We people are fickle. We change. But the good news is... He. never. changes.

Are you feeling down? Have you messed up? Trying to get back up again? He is there. Holding out His nail-pierced hands. The price he paid for your sins is sufficient to cover all. Nothing is too hard for Him to redeem.

That truth is carrying me, right now, as I type. I have had a really, really horrible week. But when I close my eyes and cry out to my Father, I am filled with a peace that is beyond understanding.

No depression medication, no alcoholic drink, no boyfriend or girlfriend, and no addiction is going to fill that hole in your heart. It may feel good temporarily, but it will never completely satisfy you.

Take it from me- an oftentimes overwhelmed mom trying to live this life. He is all you need.

Go ahead, talk to Him. Tell Him how you've been feeling. Ask Him to help you through whatever it is you're going through. Open up that bible that's been gathering dust underneath your bed or on top of the bookshelf.

He is there. No matter what.

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