Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Father strength

Today I ran on pure "Father strength".

What is that? You may ask. Good question.

Well, it all started last night when I went to bed with the most horrible stomach pains in the world. We call it, "Baku Belly". It means, well, whatever you want it to really. Basically it's some unexplainable yucky bug you've ingested somehow... whether it be through food, water, or who really knows. (Don't even get me started on how upset I was last week when in 1.2 seconds Sitora wiped her finger on the disgustingly dirty elevator door, THEN put her finger in her mouth, and simply replied, "Mmmmm, yummy yogurt!") This kid must have a stomach of steal because she hasn't been sick in for.e.ver. And this is the stuff I catch her doing?!

Anyhow, I'm going off on a bunny trail. This story is about me being sick. I'm not the one wiping my finger on germ-infested public elevator doors and licking it, and yet I'm the one with the stomach yuckies. I'm serious peoples, my daughter has got her angels workin' over.time.

So back to last night. I wake up every hour through the night clenching my fists and holding my poor stomach, while periodically rushing to Sitora's room to console her while she cries. She still wakes up about 3 times per night. (Quick mommy survey, does your toddler do this?) I don't even want to think about morning, dreading not only the lack of sleep I will have, but knowing how much I have to do the next day.

I had to cancel my morning appointment due to the sharp knives that were slowly ripping my insides apart. SuperDan was off to language class, so I put on a princess movie for Sitora (she dances and sings with the main characters, so I guess if I was homeschooling this could count for P.E. or drama class for her or something... she's actually on tune sometimes, it's pretty awesome.)

I wanted to eat, but my stomach wouldn't have it. I knew the minute I placed a fork in my mouth, everything inside would come out. So I poured myself a good ol' cup of tea. Nice and black. The way I don't like it. Yum.

I sat down at my computer and asked Father for strength, 'cuz I definitely wasn't gonna get it from food, that's for sure! I then proceeded to plan that night's youth group lesson on purity (of which I am incredibly passionate). I finished after about 3 hours of typing, thinking, praying, dancing with Sitora, tickling Sitora, doing laundry with Sitora, feeding Sitora her breakfast, then cooking lunch. SuperDan came home and then we hosted some friends to discuss some work matters (my stomach was still in knots at this point, but I was starting to get used to it by now). After they left I baked banana chocolate chip bread, put the finishing touches on my lesson, drank some more tea, lit the candles, turned on cool music, then answered the door as everyone started to arrive for youth group.

The lesson went great, we played a hilariously, slightly awkward game, took prayer requests, and ate my yummy banana chocolate chip bread, and read Sitora's princess storybook (don't ask...) After the last person left for the night... I collapsed on the couch with my SuperDan and I was mesmerized at this thought... all that in one day, and with horrible stomach pains and hardly any food. Father had seriously imparted His SuperStrength in me and given me the energy and passion to make it through my day. The morning started out horribly, but slowly over the course of the day I was healed. Whatever yucky bug took residence in my tummy has now been evicted by The Heavenly Landlord- woo hoo!

Most days we have enough energy and strength to do it on our own. But it's the days when we are weak and He is strong that are exceptional.


  1. Wow girl...praise the Lord! I hope you keep feeling better and the baku bug is gone for good!!

    PS: I will never understand the children's immune system...Isaiah used to get gum off from underneath restaurant tables and just as we were all going: "Nooooooooooooo" while reaching for him in slow motion, he'd shove it in his mouth with a naughty grin on his face...goofball. That kid has been sick like...maybe once in his life?

  2. HE is such a Provider! God is able, more than able! So thankful that He allowed you to teach the youth!

    As for Sitora still getting up in the middle of the night...I know that my kiddos do that after they've been sick because they're used to getting up. But typically, both Eli and Violet sleep through the night - at least 10 hours. Is she crying or just awake? Does she just want to be comforted? Or is she hungry? Praying that you all will get some good sleep! :)
