My music spot at the BRC was splendid. Beautiful day... beautiful crowd.... beautiful coffee. Check out my awesome assistant, Jack on the bongo. He's in our youth group, and he's pretty much amazing.
My awesome, totally faithful friends. But the most faithful fan of all? The handsome stud smiling for the camera.
We celebrated the Baku Roasting Company's 2nd anniversary- it was a blast! Love the balloons, love the staff, love everything. I don't know what I'd do without this oasis, it's such a lifesaver.
I played songs I've written, songs we sing about Father, songs by Mindy Gledhill, and my all time fav, "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion. All you Titanic fans, you know who you are ;) I won't tell you about the time in junior high I was obsessed with this song... I recorded it over and over on a cassette tape (if that doesn't date me....) whenever it played on the radio. I would listen to the tape all night long and cry myself to sleep thinking about how Kate lost Jack- why did he have to die anyways? What a lousy ending.
This is my friend's favorite drink at the BRC, a caramel macchiato. It looks like this every time it's ordered. I just love the flower design on top... so cutesy! (P.S. the new mugs are from Dubai)
It was great to crash at home with my loves and "let my hair down" - literally! This is what my hair looked like after taking out my french braid crown. Another hairstyle for the next day (hint hint)... a "non-curling iron" hairdo that saves your hair some not-wanted damage.
The next day I spent the afternoon with my lovely friend taking lovely pictures on a lovely day. 'nuf said.
Photographer, musician, teacher, despite all the "hats" I wear, at the end of the day, to Sitora, I am simply Mommy. She doesn't care what I do, all she knows is that she loves me.
It reminds me of Father's heart for us. He loves that we have talents, he loves that we use them, but more importantly, He loves us for who we are. Our identity is in Him, not what we do.
I like that.
P.S. Several of you have posted comments with hair questions. I will answer them this week, don't worry! :)
loved your singing! We filmed you singing "My Heart Will Go On" PS :) Oh and BRC Caramel Macchiatos?? Definitely my favourite too! I had a picture of mine with the caramel flower as my cell phone's wallpaper for a few months ;)