I feel so useless when I'm sick. There's a "tired virus" as we've so affectionately named it, going around. It is exactly as it sounds. You don't quite understand why you feel sick because you don't necessarily throw up or have any other crazy symptoms... except nausea and body aches. You just want to sleep and sleep and sleep some more. Danny had it first, and he was so kind as to extend it towards me as a precious gift.
I miss my family a lot- especially lately. This time of year we'd be going to pumpkin patches and hay-rack-rides, and Sitora would be old enough to jump into leaves and giggle while we throw them in the air. I don't pretend to be a superwoman with no feelings or hard times. Being away from family is not easy. I guess you could say I choose to embrace the pain instead of ignore it. I recognize that I'm grieving not being with my family, and I let myself feel the sadness. Then I give it to Father and ask Him to give me the strength to carry on despite the weight in my heart.

My brother is a news anchor. I am so proud of him. I wish I could live in the same town as him and walk around with him while people whisper and point saying, "There he is! It's the channel 5 guy!" I'm sure he'll be famous in about 1.5 weeks! Wanna watch? Click here.
I am playing bass for a concert this weekend- now please tell me how in the world did I get myself into that?? I am giving bass lessons to a girl in our youth group, but that doesn't mean I'm a seasoned player by any means! Let's just say Mr. bass and I will be having many dates this week as we get reacquainted. Oh dear.
On a final note, I love watching chick-flicks because they make me all emotional and teary and I run into the other room, throw my arms around my husband, kiss him a million times, and can't stop telling him how much I love him! Watching girly-love movies reminds me of my single days when I was waiting patiently for Father to bring me my Prince Charming and how extremely love-struck I was when he finally swept me off my feet. I think of all the adventures we've been on and how proud of him I am, and I get that twinkle in my eye and feel lovestruck all over again. I love my superDan!
That's all for now, I guess. I think I need to sit back down and try to ease the tummy yuckies. Thanks a lot "tired virus", you really stink!
Casey, I think I'm starting to feel the same way. Granted, my space between my biological family is only a couple hours, and in a few months it will be several (compared to your being across the world). I'll probably see them more often than if I lived across the world, but the "missing them" feeling is still the same. It only makes seeing them more special, right? :)