Sunday, July 10, 2011

Seriously amazing books- get them.

I don't usually "tell" people what books to read. I figure Father will lead you to the right books at the right time. But I really can't pass up recommending these books!

This first book, Anonymous: Jesus' Hidden Years ... and Yours, is for an older audience. I am in a book club with other women studying this book together and it's challenging me, inspiring me, and kicking me in the booty. Here's a little excerpt to get you interested:

"In hidden years, Father is our consistent audience. Others come and go, but only He always sees. Father alone realizes our full potential and comprehends the longings in our souls. When no one else is interested in (let alone impressed by) our capabilities and dreams, Father is still wholeheartedly with fatherly pride shouting His love over us."

This book is great for moms. It talks about how these years of child raising are not wasted time. Rather they are just as much the "main course" as any other season of our life that might seem more "important". Who are we to judge what seasons of our lives are more important than others? Father's Son spent 30 years of His life hidden away, seeking the Father and growing in wisdom and love, and only spent 3 years in the public eye. Good stuff my friends, good stuff.

The next book I picked up at Barnes and Noble while I was in the homeland. I could spend hours upon hours in that store, seriously. I was in heaven looking through all the kids books for Sitora. I finally decided on this one:  The Berenstain Bears Discover God's Creation (Berenstain Bears/Living Lights). Here is the summary from the back cover:

Mama Bear pulls the plug on the TV, and the Bear cubs are upset! What are they going to do now? All it takes is a peek outside for Brother and Sister to see that Father has given them a beautiful world that is far more fun that the TV screen.

This next book- The Princess and the Kiss: A Story of God's Gift of Purity, was given to me by a dear friend while I was visiting home. My eyes well up with tears when I read it to Sitora. What a precious story about purity! I pray Sitora learns at a young age the importance of purity and this book is an asset for me as I'm seeking ways to teach her about it. Here's the summary:
A loving king and queen present their daughter with a gift from Father- her first kiss- to keep or give away. The wise girl waits for the man who is worthy of her precious gift. Where is he and how will she ever find him? The surprising answer in this marvelous parable will touch the heart of a parent and child alike.

The last book I am recommending is a toddler Bible- My First Read-Aloud Bible. I have many Bibles for kids but this by far is my favorite. I also bought this at Barnes and Noble while I was home. I love this Bible because it tells lots of different stories most other children's Bible's don't have. (For example: Elisha and the widow, Gideon, Jeremiah, Nehemiah, Father's Son coming back to see the disciples after raising from the dead, and Father's Spirit coming down on the early believers.)

I hope you buy one of these books (or borrow from someone else) and enjoy them as much as we have!


  1. The book you're reading in your book club looks amazing! Thinking I may start a book club myself with the ladies @ Mom

  2. Thanks for sharing Casey! you inspired me to read "Anonymous: Jesus' Hidden Years ... and Yours" seems like a good book and a much needed one at times!:)
