But I'm not the kind of person that has a spick-and-span household where everything has it's place or else. I am more of a hodge-podge kinda gal.
Take my bedroom for example. I want to see all my lovely things daily. I don't want them stuffed away inside some neat compartment box that looks all organizey. I want to see all my necklaces, scarves, headbands, and earrings. It helps me feel creative and artistic when I wake up in the morning. It reminds me of the endless possibilities awaiting me in the cosmetology department. I'm not as inspired if I can't see my accessories.
I hang my necklaces from my wedding picture (helps me feel all lovey-dovey too). I also have this super cool picture frame with holes in it, so I put my daughter's pic in it and hang my earrings on the sides. I then clip my flower hair accessories on the top. Beautifully inspiring, I tell you. The rest of the dresser is mostly neat, but the other side has all my hair products on it though :)
In every single place we've lived in as a married couple, our fridge always looks like this. I dislike plain fridges. It's a well-known fact that the fridge is the place to display all your friends! If you give us your picture, we will put it there. I want to see all your gorgeous faces every single solitary day. I don't want to forget you. It's almost like you are sitting there in the kitchen with me. That might sound a bit creepy but.... oh well. Call me the fridge-creeper I guess!
I have tried to use our entryway shelves for the same purpose. This picture was taken during the Christmas season, so the shelves are extra crowded. I want to see my family every day when we pass through the hallway. Sitora always stops to point out the relatives and name them one-by-one. It's a brilliant way to help her remember all our family members!
So, if you haven't already, send us your picture. Don't know our address? Email me at javamammacasey at gmail and I'll give it to ya.
Hodge-podge is the life for me!
I love your blog!