Sunday, October 24, 2010

Some people are just... amazing

Every once in a while on this journey of life, I have the privilege of meeting extraordinary people. People who go above and beyond. People who smile, and mean it. People who live on purpose.

I had the honor of photographing such people last week.

In fact, I respect them so much so, that I was extremely nervous with butterflies swarming around my stomach moments before we left for the photoshoot. How could I even possibly attempt to capture the amazing-ness of this family in mere pictures? I felt like I was photographing Moses, or the President!

I hope to rub shoulders with this family again someday. They are just that inspiring. The kind of people you hope to be like and you like to be around. They are arrows pointing to heaven.

I can only hope that I have that same affect on others.

P.S. Don't forget, 8 days left to enter to win this contest!

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