Thursday, February 26, 2015

I never thought I would homeschool...

If you would have sat me down ten years ago and told me what I'd be doing with my life by age 30, I would have laughed, spit out my coffee, then laughed again.

There was no way I could have ever imagined how my life has turned out today. God's plans for our lives are always better than anything else we could have dreamed up ourselves. Even though we think we may know best, He actually does.

I never in my wildest dreams would have thought I would be a homeschooling mom. It's funny how God just led me along bit by bit until I found myself here.

My hubby, SuperDan, was homeschooled his entire life and loved it! His mom worked with his learning styles (and abundant energy) to give him a wonderful educational experience growing up. By the time he was sixteen, he was able to have a part-time job in the afternoons because he worked hard to get his schoolwork done by lunchtime.

My husband opened my eyes to a completely different world of education that I had never really thought much about. I loved going to public and private school growing up, and didn't consider any other options until I met him. He loved being homeschooled and it shines in his eyes whenever he reminisces about it. Not only did he get a great education, but he learned so many homemaking skills. People. Seriously. This makes for the MOST AMAZING HUSBAND EVER. He taught me how to bake when we were dating- I kid you not. And now as now as a father he can easily multi-task cooking dinner, taking care of the kids, and prepping for a sermon all at once. Um... swoon????!!! Hands down I totally am the one benefiting from all my mother-in-law's hard work raising my husband :) Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for the incredible man I have married...

Years ago I didn't think much about Sitora's future education when she was a baby. I just slowly started teaching her preschool concepts when we lived overseas just for fun, and I realized I actually enjoyed it! Not only was I having fun, but so was she. As she grew older I felt the Lord leading me to continue homeschooling. He just gave me a simple peace about it.

As time went on I discovered that Sitora and I have the exact same learning styles. I figured out how to teach her best based on how I learn! I know what makes her tick and what motivates her. I just teach her the way I would want to be taught. It's crazy awesome how God worked that out. I'm not sure if Peter or my future children will be this easy to teach, but I'm excited to see how God leads me as a teacher of my children no matter what their learning styles may be.

Another thing that has helped tremendously has been joining my homeschool co-op one hour away. Not only do I find fun and fellowship, but I find encouragement, support, and advice in all things homeschool related. 

Some days homeschooling is hard. Some days it is long and seems to never end. Some days there are tears and angry attitudes and pouty faces. But then there are days that are light-hearted and tender. There are days full of laughter and hugs and dancing. There are days when tears come to my eyes when I realize how blessed I am to be the one to see my children learn these concepts for the first time. The fact that I taught Sitora to read never ceases to amaze me. I just never considered myself an academic teacher and the thought that I could accomplish these tasks blows my mind. God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called. He has called me for such a time as this to homeschool my children and I trust that He will be faithful as my Leader and Guide on this journey.

Whatever God has called you to do with your life, my friend, trust God to equip you. Don't worry that you may fail. Have the faith to believe that through all the ups and downs, the successes and mistakes, He is doing a good work in your heart along the journey. Growing closer to Jesus and letting Him use you to be His hands and feet to this world are what matters. The rest is just details ;)

(Because life is SO much better with an Aztec skirt. Seriously.)

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