Wednesday, March 11, 2015

You are enough

Today was long.

I woke up feeling a bit grumpy.

The kids wanted to play outside.

It was muddy.

Oh, so very muddy.

The floors needed to be swept and mopped.

The dishes need to be put away.

The bathroom needed to be sanitized.

The carpets needed to be vacuumed.

The meals needed to be prepared.

Laundry needed to be folded.

Muddy clothes needed to be washed.

School needed to be taught.

Books needed to be read.

Devotions needed to be done.

I was sad that I was grumpy.

I felt guilty that I wasn't being "mom enough" today.

I felt overwhelmed.

I needed a warm hug and a reassuring voice to say, "It's all going to be okay, mamma."

And then I felt it.

The Holy Spirit spoke very softly and tenderly to my heart.

I heard, "You are doing a wonderful job, mamma. You played with your kids outside. You read them books. You tickled them. You fed them at mealtime. You are opening your house to host youth group tonight and that is enough. You feel grumpy but you are still pressing on. Even if your floors don't sparkle and your laundry isn't folded, you are enough."

You. are. enough.

So I thought I would pay it forward.

Dear friend, you are enough.

Joel 2:13 - "Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love."

Lamentations 3:22-23 - "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."

I have joined an online community of women learning about and celebrating Lent. On the website a special devotional is posted daily and we memorize a scripture together once a week. These have been the verses I've memorized so far through our study and they spoke to me so deeply today.

My friend, if you feel guilt or condemnation, that is not the Lord.

The Holy Spirit convicts (not to be mistaken for condemnation), then gives us hope and peace and encouragement.

The Lord convicted me today when I was feeling grumpy and unwilling to carry out my tasks for the day. He challenged me with the tried-and-true mantra of, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." But then He spoke hope over me. He told me I was enough even before I started working. He reminded me that His mercies are new every morning (every hour, every minute, every EVERY!!!!!!)

Because my identity doesn't come from what I do.

Your identity doesn't come from what you do.

I am enough in Christ.

You are enough in Christ.

Be blessed.